i haven't written in a long time. i wont talk about the sexual assault i received at the hands of 2 female nueces county jailers, but i will say the timing was convenient for a local politician who at that time happened to be in an email debate with jaime kenedeno (my man).
Needless to say, the sheriff told the attorney general that he destroyed the evidence(the video and audio tapes.
August 2, 2007
kingalonzoalvarezdepineda13 - you are a total hipocrit! You judge others so harshly while doing the very thing you claim you hate. Every morning your SPAM emails jam my computer up at work and I can't get my work done for about 5 - 10 minutes until your crap finishes downloading (kinda like you did with this opinion section). When asked to stop emailing the DMC campus you don't even reply or stop. You think you are so justified in raising a stink- but when others don't want to hear your opinion you cram it in their face anyway. YWith your approach - even if what you are saying is true- no one wants to hear it because it's SO obnoxiously done. You need to get the log out of your own eye.